再来,读音是zài lái。 意思是①再一次来。 ②谓连续的动作或事。
谢​谢​您​,欢​迎​再​来​。 謝​謝​您​,歡​迎​再​來​。 xiè xie nín, huān yíng zài lái . phr. Thank you, hope you'll come again.
在英语中翻译"再来" · again · one more · then · come back · return · let's · another · we'll coming · do it.
显示▽「再来する」的活用形(參見Appendix:日語動詞。) 活用形. 未然形, 再来し ... 再来させる再来さす, さいらいさせるさいらいさす, sairai saseru sairai sasu. 可能 ...
我们以产品质量和教育结果为导向, 结合再来人全球菁英生态系统, 打造科学留学服务产品,帮助学生发挥潜力, 提供来自海外Top10等名校导师辅导。
Time that has passed will never come back. (idiom). Show Strokes · 机不可失,时不再来 Trad. 機不可失,時不再來. jī bù kě shī , shí bù zài lái.
Video for 再来
Duration: 3:53
Posted: Apr 23, 2022
Noun edit · A second coming, another/second advent. · A person who has died and has been born again, a seeming reincarnate.
Chinese English 英语中"再来" 的上下文示例. 这些例句有来自外部资源,因此可能并非完全准确。bab.la对内容免责。 机不可失,时不再来。 ... Do it now.
Word Decomposition. 再, zài, again; once more; re-; second; another; then (after something, and not until then); no matter how ... (followed by an adjective ...